Day 7-Delco Park Adventures
Today is our 7th day in this STEMmersion. It has gone by really fast just like today. We started off the day by getting pictures ready to print for the photo books that we are making next week. That was really phone because all of my friends sent really funny photos to me as a joke. We have all gotten a lot closer because we have been together every day all day for 7 days. After that, we heard a little bit about Rob Boley and his work. Rob Boley is a horror and fantasy writer. We learned about him because he did a workshop with us at Delco Park. Once we talked about the things we had to do at the park, we started walking. The walk was not as long as I remember it being. After the walk, we did the workshop with Mr. Boley. He had us go around the park for 20 minutes and write metaphors about nature. Once the 20 minutes were over, we headed back to the shelter and everyone got the option to read some of their metaphors. The metaphors that everyone wrote were really good. Two people got books from Rob Boley. The other task that we had to do at Delco Park was to pick a small patch of grass and write what we saw and what it would look like if we were a small bug in that patch of grass. It was strange to think of being that small but, I think it helped mywriting because I had to be very specific in what I wrote. I wrote about how the root of a tree in my patch would be like a bridge. I also wrote about the little flowers in the patch being like towers for aunts. After we completed our small world activity, we could do whatever we wanted to do. I hung out by the hammocks that my friends had set up. It was really nice to just have a day to hang out with my friends. We also got to play in the sand a little bit to which is always fun. The walk back seemed a little bit longer. Today was fun but, I am thankful that we have a break for a few days. Next week is going to be fun!
Metaphors from our Workshop
The weeds are deep in the soil choking the Earth
The rocks that are all different fit together like a puzzle
The water never stops moving like a child after eating to much sugar
Grass is the carpet of the Earth
The tree's roots dig into the ground, never shaking even as the storm erupts around it