Day 4- Kayaking and Listening
Today was focused on listening. We started off by writing a recipe poem. My recipe poem was about the ocean. I included things that make up an ocean in the poem. For a recipe poem you just add in pieces that make the up the main topic. I tried to incorporate listening in the first draft of my poem by thinking of the different sounds that I hear when I am on the beach. My ocean recipe poem is down at the bottom of my post. After we wrote our poems, we watched a ted talk about listening. In the ted talk, the guy told us different ways that we can improve our listening. One of the ways that I thought was interesting was when he said that sitting in silence can help improve your listening. After we watched the ted talk, we loaded onto the bus and headed to the kayaking place. At first I was really nervous but, once we got in the water I had a lot of fun. While we were on river I would usually take a few breaks and just listen to the sounds around me. I almost always heard birds chirping and people paddling. My favorite sound that I heard was laughter. There was something special about hearing people talking to each other about nature and teenagers having fun on the water. I really enjoyed the time that I spent on the water despite the challenges that occurred. I did fall out of my canoe a few times but, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I think it is funny how the thing I feared the most happened and when it did happen I wasn’t even worried or scared, I just got right back up. In total, we paddled about 5 miles and it was fun the whole time. I learned a lot of things about myself and other people by just listening to other people when they were talking. Listening also came in handy on the river because, we heard sounds that would tell us when we were approaching the rapids or if animals were nearby. I think that taking time to stop and listen can help me live more deliberately because I will be more aware of my surroundings. Being aware can help me to know what is around me and the different paths that I can take to have a more successful life. Overall, I think today was a successful day filled with listening and learning.
Ocean Recipe Poem
To make an ocean it takes gallons of cool water,
Grainy sand in between your toes,
The smell of sunscreen drifting through the wind,
30 vibrant colored umbrellas, and a nice salty breeze.
The nice salty breeze will do if the number of umbrellas are few.